Valkenheide Stud

Y E A R V - S U M M E R

Being born in Spain and growing up in the Netherlands Alyana Daphne de Philanos-Sancez' young life couldnot have been more of a contrast. She grew up surrounded by horse-crazy people like her parents and the Hanoverians they bred. After the death of her father and mother in 2008 Alyana took over the stud 'Darwin Equestrian Center' and moved to Canada, where she renamed it 'Valkenheide Stud'.
As early as eight years old she went to her first dressage competition and kept on competing, but found her true passion with show jumping.
Today she is a mother of two daughters (Marleen and Evaine) and happily married to Diego Sancez.
As a childhood friend of Alyana Cecilia Lora Kreshmar understands the passion and love towards horses, but especially the commitment it is working with horses.
Cecilia is of dutch heritage and moved to Canada with her family as a teenager, where she competed in show umping classes with her own horse and was taken in with a canadian young riders squad, which competed on intermediaire I level.
She is an certified horse breeder and trainer and successfully breeds KWPN at our facility.

A l y a n a d e P h i l a n o s
C e c i l i a K r e s h m a r

D i e g o S a n c e z
Just like his wife Diego Sancez was born in Spain and grew up with competition horses. Even though he never really got the hang of competing himself, he prooves his worth every time at any horse-related competition, auction or event.
The Staff
Our staff is specialised on working with horses, not against. Everyone knows how to treat these animals and everyone is more than qualified. We also educate every single staffmember, so we can make sure they have the knowlegde be around and with our horses.
The staff lives at the stud, so they are around at all time.

C a r m e n d e R i j n
R e a J o l i e W i l s o n
J o s e p h A n d e r s o n